Monitor Wizard 2.0

Monitor Wizard 2.0 is an application package designed to collect various parameter values from measurement devices and sensors spread troughout a measurement network. The collected values are saved as .csv files, in a folder layout designed according to the layout of the real measurement network. The sistem can manage different types of connections, thus allowing for a complex network design with various measurement protocols. The collected values can be viewed as reports or in real time under  Microsoft Excel , the most commonly used data processing application. The Monitor Wizard application, spreads the collected values over the PC-network (LAN), enabling for multiple users on different PCs to view and process collected data simultaneously.

In the Monitor Wizard 2.0 package you will get the following applications:

  • Monitor Wizard - server application, runs uninterrupted to assure that values are collected at all times from the measurement device network. The application collects the data, saves it as reports in .csv files and publishes the values over DataSocket  on the PC network (LAN) if the hosting PC is connected to any. The application collects the values from the devices connected to the measurement network in a cyclic manner but you can always swich to stand-alone mode , where you will collect only the data from one , selected, device in the network. The stand-alone mode is usefull for maintainance and debugging purposes. 
  • XConnector - client application that enables the import of collected values to Microsoft Excel template files and updates the files in real time with all the new values collected by the Monitor Wizard application. This real time update faccility enables you to dinamically see the evolution of different measurement points on charts and other graphical tools provided by Microsoft Excel. The application can run on the same PC as Monitor Wizard as well as on other PCs connected to the same network as the PC that is running Monitor Wizard.
  • ConfiguratorEx - utility application that serves as a configuration tool for the sistem that will be handled by Monitor Wizard and as a configuration tool for the values that will be exported and processed by XConnector.

For a better understanding of Monitor Wizard 2.0  we provide, as an example, a possible working configuration with a measurement and sensor sistem comprised of three measurement device networks, each connected trough a different type of connection(Modbus/RS485, Wireless, Ehternet-TCP/IP) to the PC running the Monitor Wizard application.  On the other side of the server PC we have the user network , that can easily acces, import and process stored and real time data according to their needs trough XConnector.


The most common installation of the Monitor Wizard 2.0 package has only one measurement device network, connected over a RS485 bus that provides connection possibilities to devices using the ModBus protocol. The serial connection can also support other protocols, like M-bus, ProfiBus or CAN, if you provide a converter from serial to the chosen protocol. A serial network on a single bus can support up to 100 measurement devices, providing reasonable aquisition intervals for the monitored utility network. Usually, such a measurement network needs repeater devices after each 15-20 measurement devices and a clean wiring (twisted pair cable with shielding).

A simple system with one serial bus needs the following devices and prerequisites:

  • PC running Windows 7/ Windows XP - 2MB RAM, 200GB-1TB HDD, 1 ethernet board (provides connection to the user network)
  • RS485 - RS232 Converter and if needed a RS232 - USB converter (cable) (only if the PC has NO serial port)
  • RS485 - RS485 Repeater (only if there are more than 15-20 measurement devices connected to the network)
  • Measurement devices runing on ModBus protocol (power meters, gas meters, water meters, etc.)

According to the chosen connections, the devices providing the conversion and the connection to the PC may vary. 

The Monitor Wizard 2.0 package provides a simple solution with costs tailored to each customer's needs in size and complexity of the measurement device network. The package can be installed in small companies as well as in big companies, with a very small difference in cost for the software package compared tot the cost of the meaurement devices needed in the measurement network.

By request we cand develop other software applications fitting special needs of our customers, or provided by Timteh Electronics, as extended features , which will be negociated separately (ex. Application that sends SMS in various cases).


Monitor Wizard 2.0 is up and running at:

  • URSUS Breweries - Beer factory in Timisoara and in Buzau
  • Mondial Lugoj SA (Villeroy & Boch Group)
  • Detergenti P&G SRL (Procter & Gamble)
  • Zoppas Industries Romania SRL
  • Solectron SRL
  • Hidrotim SA 

A more detailed look on Monitor Wizard 2.0 in PowerPoint format can be downloaded here: [Download MonitorWizard.ppt]