Timteh Electronics Ltd. is an engineering company in the field of electronics and software founded in 1993 in Timisoara, Romania. In time the company developed engineering projects for many customers opperating in different fields.
The company aquired expertise in the field of electrical measurements, functional testing of electronic devices, design of measurement networks based on Ethernet, RS232/RS485, GPRS and other communication protocols. The development of this kind of applications involves software development, monitoring and measurement network design, design of specific measurement or communication devices. Timteh Electronics has expertise with protocols like ModBus, MBus, GPIB and the design of different measurement architectures using different types of communication and measurement and automation devices.
Timteh Electronics is offering the capacity to design measurement and monitoring systems, testing systems and “of the shelves” software packages, like the “Monitor Wizard” package. The company has the knowledge to develop software for Windows in C++, C, LabWindows/CVI and other environments.